Let's start with a spectacle: the colors, because that's what catches the eye first with a Photinia. The Glossy Privet Red Robin was created from crossings of particularly color-intensive Photinia varieties. For a long time, this variety was considered the most vibrant, but then came the Glossy Privet Devil's Dream®. Its new growth appears to be on fire with its vibrant deep red color. This is further enhanced by the evergreen foliage from the previous year, which shines with a richer and darker glow compared to the Glossy Privet Red Robin. Additionally, the color intensity of the red new growth of Devil's Dream® lasts significantly longer.
Leuchtend rotes Blattwerk vor immergrünem Laub, ein kompakter und buschiger Wuchs, hohe Schnittverträglichkeit und so genügsam, dass Glanzmispel im Topf halten genauso gut gedeiht wie im Freiland. Es gibt viele Gründe, eine Photinia zu lieben. Doch bevor man sie sich nach Hause holt, steht die Entscheidung für die passende Sorte an. So gehört die Glanzmispel Red Robin zwar zu einem bekannten Vertreter ihrer Art, jedoch gibt es inzwischen neue Sorten, die ihr in einigen Punkten voraus sind. So lohnt sich auf jeden Fall ein Blick auf die Glanzmispel Devil’s Dream®.
If you want to use the Glossy Privet Red Robin as a hedge, it is well suited with a growth rate of 20 to 50 centimeters per year, especially if you want more than just an evergreen plant. Its broad, loosely upright growth habit ensures that a continuous overall picture is quickly formed, but the growth form has its weaknesses. It takes comparatively longer for a hedge made of the Glossy Privet Red Robin to become dense. Additionally, pruning with hedge shears is often required to promote a more branched growth and denser foliage. On the other hand, Photinia Devil's Dream® grows very compact and upright. Its foliage forms a densely bushy overall picture that does not allow for any see-through gaps. With a growth rate of 20 to 30 centimeters per year, there are hardly any differences in growth speed compared to its predecessor. Furthermore, it requires significantly less pruning to achieve the desired density. Once the desired height is reached, you only need to use the shears to promote new growth and the flaming-red foliage.
The Red Robin photinia originally comes from New Zealand. Accordingly, its preferences in terms of location, temperature, and care needs are based on the conditions of its home country. Despite its adaptability, there are factors that can make life difficult for the shrub - or its owner. For example, a typical cold and damp German winter has forced many Red Robin photinias to succumb, despite their theoretical winter hardiness of up to minus 20 degrees Celsius. The New Zealand photinia is also only partially resistant to diseases that occur in wet weather, such as leaf spot disease and powdery mildew. In contrast, Devil's Dream® was bred in Germany and is therefore optimally adapted to local conditions. It can withstand temperatures as low as minus 35 degrees Celsius, even in harsh winters. It is also much more resistant to pathogens than its Pacific relative.
Both varieties bloom in May and June with delicate white flowers that attract native insects. This makes Devil's Dream® and the Red Robin photinia a popular buffet for bees, bumblebees, and other insects.
The compact and upright growth habit of the Devil's Dream® Photinia has another advantage: it is much easier to train and maintain as a single stem or a solitaire form. The basic shape is already inherent in the growth habit of Devil's Dream®, requiring fewer steps to develop a standard or high-stemmed tree.
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