Privacy screen with Devils Dream as a hedge

Hedge instead of a fence: why the hedge always wins

"Hedge instead of a fence": a question that gardeners often face in their gardening life. The first time is when you are creating a garden and sitting in front of the "planning board." The decision often depends on finding the right hedge plant, how much you want to invest, whether you want it to be fast, etc. If you have chosen a fence, the question "hedge or fence" will arise again at some point. Either because the boundary has aged or no longer performs as expected. The desire to create a more natural garden can also lead to considering alternatives to a fence. In any case, we advocate for the option of a hedge instead of a fence. You can find the reasons for this here.

What is cheaper: fence or hedge?

Hedge instead of a fence? Price is often the decisive criterion when making a new purchase. If the price-performance ratio is the focus, the fence is ruled out. But why is it considered cheap for many, just like a hedge is considered expensive? Perhaps because fences used to be mainly made of wood, which was inexpensive at the time. The material was also not treated particularly environmentally friendly, and the picket fence was the standard. The selection of fast-growing, robust hedges was limited, and if you wanted something special, you had to dig deep into your pockets. If you compared the price of a fence and a hedge at that time, the fence often came out on top. However, today things are different.

Eye-catchers in the garden - Devil's Dream

Hedge instead of fence? Better: Which hedge instead of a fence?

There is now a huge selection of woody plants that can serve as boundaries. One such plant for hedges is Photinia Devil's Dream®. The photinia develops into an evergreen, dense hedge with a growth rate of 20 to 30 centimeters per season. It borders the property and prevents prying eyes. In addition, its fiery red young leaves turn the hedge into a color spectacle. This, along with the fact that high-quality fences are becoming more of a luxury item, clearly speaks in favor of the hedge option instead of a fence.

Devil´s Dream hedge in the garden

Why hedge instead of fence? Building a fence: Price rises steadily

The price of fences has evolved significantly. Wood is expensive, and the environmentally friendly treatment of the material also affects the price. The function of privacy screening has become more important than just boundary marking, which is why fences are becoming taller and denser. This makes the acquisition more expensive. Alternatives such as aluminum, steel, or plastic are rarely a highlight, and if you want something unique, it further burdens the budget. In addition, there are the costs of installation. And one more thing should not be forgotten: durability. A fence is exposed to weather, sunlight, and other stresses year after year. The material must be able to withstand this. Those who save money here will eventually have to reinvest or consider the question "hedge instead of a fence."

Devil's Dream red shoots

Instead of a fence, a hedge: Expensive was yesterday!

By choosing a Devil’s Dream® hedge instead of fence alternatives, you not only get a durable and cost-effective property boundary, but also a beautiful privacy screen that provides shelter for insects, birds, and other creatures. The Japanese Photinia protects delicate plants from wind without being temperamental itself. It is suitable for pruning and forgives any slips of the hedge trimmer without complaint. Whether in summer or winter, it impresses with its dense foliage, which stays beautiful with simple maintenance measures. Choosing a hedge instead of a fence becomes a lifelong decision.

Devils Dream hedge

Fence and hedge combined: Distance ensures a peaceful coexistence of hedge and fence

Hedge instead of a fence or both? If a fence and hedge are to be combined, for example, because there is already a fence in place (or you no longer want to see the neighbor's fence), this is also easily possible. When planting the hedge, keep a distance from the fence. With a distance of 80 cm to one meter, you are on the safe side.

Devils Dream hedge as privacy screen
Planting the Devils Dream in a tub

Right Soil for Photinia

Devils Dream Heckenpflanzen einsetzen, ausrichten und vorbereiten

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Devils Dream hedge with flower and red leaves

Evergreen hedge that delights with its joy of growth and play of colour